Sunday, 9 December 2012

Santa's Sleigh Day : Wednesday 5 December 

Brooklyn & Santa in "face off " 
First stop on the journey of Santa's sleigh was to Colne House one of Raven Housing Trusts temporary accommodations.

There the Mum's & children had gathered to see the Christmas wishes they had shared with us the previous week come true.

Thank you all you Belfry shoppers - you have brought smiles to the faces of people who are currently under more grave stress than usual as the unit they live in is being demolished & they are all being re-housed.
Even though all the young Mums & their little ones are moving onto better places it is still very stressful as they are leaving behind their friendships as well as the maternal presence of Dawn Light who is there every day if they ever need a listening ear.  Thank you on behalf of all of the beneficiaries to everyone who bought a gift !

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