Monday, 29 October 2012

Foodbank OPENS !  Saturday October 13th
Our very first visitor.. in temporary crisis following theft
We couldn't have been more delighted to see the doors of the Foodbank open after much collecting of goods, sorting, stacking, holding briefings with partner agencies & volunteers - phew .. and there we were .. all good to go !

First through the door was an elderly lady (pictured here from the back for privacy's sake).
She had her pension stolen from her just after having drawn it from the post office. Her debit card was stolen from her at the same time & she told us she really hadn't eaten much since the incident happened the Tuesday before Foodbank day.
Theft from the vulnerable elderly is something that comes up a lot in conversation doesn't it as so many are upset by the idea of it.
It was an incredible feeling to be able to DO something helpful in a situation that usually we are only able to lament over. To EVERYONE who gave food for our Foodbank  - whether outside M&S Reigate or through your school or via your church's Harvest Festival  -
You have helped this lady.. and doesn't that feel great ?!
She and others in temporary financial crisis, some from fleeing domestic abuse some because needed & legitimate state benefits have been delayed have, this past three weeks since the Foodbank opened left feeling relieved, smiling & especially appreciative of the quality of foodstuffs they have received at the Foodbank.

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